Any of these could open up Netizen their company, their personal computer, and all their proprietary information to theft, being held for ransom and even corrupted.
All of which you can dispel that fear, and you are a legitimate Net entity by having the right SSL Certification.
So, you need to ratchet up your Internet Security to a higher standard that SSL security offers. Because, if you are using an SSL for your business’s Net presence.
Your SSL shows you are one of the groups of properly vetted organizations and people can access your site safely. You, as Net Surfer, immediately know that an URL you are surfing has undergone a similar vetting process. Having an SSL Certification gives you the aura of respectability and people can attach to your Web-Enterprise and be safe from acts of vandalism and Cyber theft.
But, what is an SSL? What kinds of SSLs are there and what do they buy you. Well, continue reading as we are about to give a crash course on the 3 most common and why you would want to obtain one of them for your own use.
SSL Basics
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a way that lets your computer set up a secure encrypted connection between itself and a remote site. Think of it a tunnel or pipe that communication takes place between you and a server that your browser is talking to when visiting an URL. You are provided with an electronic passkey that matches the corresponding connection on a website you are visiting.
It is in effect your assurance that your communication is secure and free from outside influences. However, as hackers are becoming more sophisticated and even governments are wanting access to your information. SSL alone is no longer adequate. So, additional classes of SSLs were created.
Browsers make a note of this, apprises you of your status on the URL line, and informs you of what kind of SSL is currently in effect. The 3 most common ones today recognized by IE, Safari, and Chrome will be talked about in the next sections.
Your Dream Website Awaits!
Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificates
Certificate Authorities (CAs) issue digital certificates to millions of people during the year. These certificates are like Net ID or drivers licenses that let you commute on the Information Super-Highway.
The OV SSL certificate is given to a company or organization. It identifies them as a real company that has passed a vetting process by an Internet Provider of SSL certificates i.e. CAs. On your browser, you can see it as a padlock and other information that IDs the site your browser sees.
This is probably the most prevalent form of Certificate or “Cert” with almost 3 million or more issued currently.
Additional vetted company information is displayed to you can when you use your mouse to click on the SSS (Secure Site Seal), which will give you additional data on who is runs the website along with other information.
Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificates
This is an SSL that has less vetting involved where corporate information is not required by the CAs and is good for a certain domain.
This is useful if you are a hosting reseller or shared mail server. It covers the domain name without any corporate information being vetted, and only the encryption data is shown when you click on the SSL. Below is an example of such a DV URL.
Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate
Here the Certificate Authority (CA) checks the right of the applicant (you) to utilize a particular Domain.
However, the applicant is put through an extensive vetting process. This is one of the hardest SSLs to get, and the steps to getting one must be strictly followed, and you can view the information in the “EV Guidelines,” which were adopted in 2007, by the CA/Browser Forum, the people who are moving force behind these and all certificates.
They monitor usage and formulate the guidelines for their implementation When you apply for an EV SSL CERT, you have to have been checked and confirmed and verifying the legal, physical and operational existence of you/business as being a real entity. Your identity matches official records, and you have the exclusive right to use the domain specified appearing in the application for EV SSL Certificate. You also have properly authorized the issuance of the EV SSL Certificate.
EV SSL Certificates are given to governments, Businesses of all kinds according to the follow-on document, which is the “EV Audit Guidelines.” Herein you can find what all is needed to be done before you can receive this CERT.
The bad news you have to undergo this process every year you want to maintain this SSL.
Again, your browser will display everything you want to know if you are browsing a site that has one of these CERTs. Here is an example of what you will see:
Final thoughts
Numerous sites provide the various SSL certifications. If you are hosted, they will often provide you with an SSL Certificate, or you can get one for yourself from one of the following online CA companies who offer you SSL services:
- Let’s encrypt
- Global sign
- GeoTrust
- Symantec
You can check with them and discover which company has what you want for your business of web server. AT this site we will be doing more extensive articles on these and other companies that will help you with your SSL CERT needs.
Our hosting service also does the work for you as well, and we will help you make sure your hosted site has an appropriate SSL for your needs.